Having completed its first key milestone on the project from the 2023 Christmas possession, the South Rail Systems Alliance (SRSA) has continued to make progress on the Rail Systems delivery as part of the Cambridge South Infrastructure Enhancements (CSIE) team for the new Cambridge South station.
SRSA were awarded the contract for Rail Systems Delivery in June 2023. The team have been tasked with remodelling the existing track layout to accommodate two new train lines for the new four platform station.
This multidisciplinary programme will also include upgrading the overhead line (OLE) systems, upgrading the headspans and working alongside delivery partners, Alstom for the signalling infrastructure.
A series of possessions were planned and managed across May and June in Any Line Open (ALO) conditions, with the installation of switches and crossings (S&C) panels.
The S&C and track panels were installed with the assistance of our Kirow 1200 crane. Simultaneously, the OLE team were also able to continue with its programme for the OLE delivery.
Speaking about the success of the programme so far, CSIE Programme Delivery Manager, Richard Flanagan said “Over the last twelve months I’m really pleased with the progress we have made on the project.
“I can see an evident cohesiveness that’s been established among the CSIE team all working together to plan and manage our programme in a professional manner and most importantly within a safe environment.”

First published: 22nd August 2024