The South Rail Systems Alliance (SRSA) Cambridge South team took part in a volunteering day alongside Cambridge City Council’s Environmental team.
Working at an area close to Hobson’s Park, the team were tasked with vegetation management, litter picking and helping to protect the biodiversity of the local bird reserve through installing fencing at access points.

The team also took time to support the community, with hot drinks supplied by a local coffee stand and enjoying a welcome visit by Councillor Phillipa Slatter to see the progress and provide some scones as a gesture of thanks.

Joe Wilson, SRSA Cambridge South Scheme Project Manager said “We are pleased to have established a good working relationship with Cambridge City Council and it’s Environmental team.
“We are keen to continue working with the Council on their Biodiversity works at Hobson’s Park while we neighbour the Park with our construction site.
“The Colas Rail UK team enjoyed the volunteering day, and we look forward to returning later in the year to assist with further works the Environment team has lined up.”
Philippa Slater, County Councillor, Trumpington Division said “I was delighted when Colas Rail UK contacted me with an offer of volunteering in Trumpington, and impressed with how quickly Joe followed up on introductions to local people who would be able to take him up on the offer.
“It was a good partnership with City Council officers, and good contact made with local volunteers. I was disappointed that the raised water levels meant that we couldn’t get the willows around the balancing pond cut back this time, but instead the team did a great job working in the nearby woodland, and putting up fencing to protect the wildfowl from inquisitive dogs.
“We look forward to welcoming Colas back another day. I’ll be ready with the cheese scones!”
First Published: 19th February 2024