June 12th marked the beginning of the 10th edition of Safety Week, an international campaign created by Colas Group to engage our teams, create discussion and spread awareness that Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
The theme for 2023 was ‘preventing collisions’ due to it being a leading cause of accidents experienced on sites.
Collision Reconstructions
We marked the start of the week with a special video message from Safety and Sustainability Director, Paul Taylor. Paul covers a real near miss experienced by our team on site and what measures we should take to mitigate reoccurrences.
Exclusion Zone Training Exclusive
Across our Business Unit, multiple on track plant exclusion zone training classes were arranged to ensure teams were briefed.
Throughout the week, the team hosted multiple exclusion zone training with trusted on track plant suppliers, including Quattro, Green Power and Colmar who provided a masterclass on the risks and challenges their operators face on site.
Our team were given first-hand experience of the limited field of view they have, with our team sitting in the driver’s seat and briefings in day about the importance of exclusion zones.

Safety Stand Downs
Another way our teams received awareness of Safety week were through safety stand downs, namely at our Rugby depot, led by Rail Services Safety Lead, Joe Hagan.

Our South Rail Systems Alliance Cambridge South team also received a similar briefing, with an opening message from Programme Manager, Richard Flanagan.

Hazard Hunts
The workshop and Rugby Depot team also conducted a Forklift Operator Hazard Hunt, looking for potential blind spots and other hazards that could cause collisions.

First Published: 27th June 2023