Colas Rail has been short-listed in three categories for next year’s Rail Business Awards.
Firstly, for Education and Training Excellence for our Early Careers strategy, for Infrastructure Project Excellence for our Wessex Capacity Alliance and lastly for our Rail Freight and Logistics Excellence for the Tarmac and Colas Rail Oxwellmains – West Thurrock cement service which has successfully been established as a key element of Tarmac’s supply chain to the South East construction sector.
Speaking on our freight delivery Gregory March, Performance, Policy & Access Manager for Colas Rail said, “With any commercial freight service traversing such a diverse geographic route, not to mention the sheer mileage involved, there are a number of performance risks involved that need to be considered. Through working with Tarmac, Network Rail and the wider industry, we have been able to identify performance issues and mitigate them quickly thus limiting impact.
Further to this, we have worked with all parties mentioned via various working groups, such as the ‘Thameside Performance Improvement Group’ to collectively identify potential future risks thus adding to the sustainability of this service. This has produced great results over recent periods including a high rate of punctuality and ‘right time’ running which is essential for the delivery of the customers product but also crucial on an increasingly busy Network”.
Good luck to all!