The South Rail Systems Alliance (SRSA) were based at Brixton Station over the Late May Bank Holiday weekend, where they were tasked with a renewal of a double junction situated on a viaduct.
Other tasks the team were briefed with included a renewal of two point ends and a fixed diamond including new IBCL POE, NR56 S&C layout with new rails, ballast and bearers.
The works were conducted with a requirement to improve operational resilience and maintainability of the assets.
In total, the works undertaken included:
- 24 panels installed
- New point heating strips
- 550m of 150lb Conductor Rail
- 200m of tamping through two platforms to improve gauging clearance
- Coper adjustments to accommodate gauging requirements

The plain panels were delivered on salmon flat tops while the S&C was mixed via tilting wagons and road deliveries. The road panels were then subsequently built on site.
The existing layout was unstrengthened with the SRSA providing the solution of removing the breathers and stressing the new layout. This means that no joints are used in the track thus requiring less maintenance.
Site constraints created an interesting challenge for the team, with weak bridges around the area we had to utilise alternative logistics to ensure materials would reach the site safely.

Mitigations were put in place to minimise ballast dust, with wagons jetted at Clapham High Street Station and then on-site sprinklers were used whilst it was offloaded.
In total, over 1680 tonnes of spoil and 2160 tonnes of ballast were used on site.
The site construction was completed successfully on time and handed over to the client safely.
The SRSA is comprised of Colas Rail UK, Network Rail and AECOM.