As part of the Network Rail Signalling Framework contract our civils team were tasked with upgrading circa 5km worth of C1/43 trough route in various locations.
The Challenge
As part of the project there was a section of over 1000m of troughing to install at Southall. However, following a site visit the extents of the retention required was much more than first remitted, approximately 800m of retention was needed to enable the troughing to be installed safely and remain secure for years to come without slipping down the embankment.

Through developing a value engineered solution, a hand installed plank and post system was approved by Network Rail. The system involved a concrete H post augured in and secured using post crete every 1.8m and interconnected with ballast boards that would eventually secure the new cable route.
Due to the steepness of the embankment a site-specific safe system of work had to put in place, with harnesses and working at height training/equipment provided for all site staff. In addition, vortok fencing was installed throughout site which separated the workforce from any open lines.

The Solution
In collaboration with Network Rail, the installation of a double pedestrian gates to access track from inside the Heritage Compound. This allowed all works to be completed without the need for track possessions.
To achieve the post hole depths for the retention system, the team hired two-man motorised augers that simplified the process to ensure the works were completed efficiently and safely. Once completed, an engineering train was required to backfill the retention system with 700 of fresh ballast.

Through coordination with Network Rail this was organised with a suitable possession, isolation and excavators for unloading the ballast before the final segments of the cable route were installed.