“The Code of Ethics aims to bring together employees around the core shared vales that must prevail when doing business, no matter what the circumstances or country. The Code of Ethics thus reflects the Group’s values on matters of respect, integrity and responsibility”

Martin Bouygues, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Colas Rail is committed to identifying risks of corruption, anti-competitive practices and human rights violations. Ensuring that Colas Rail’s employees and partners conduct themselves in an ethical manner is an essential cornerstone of our values, and our commitment to compliance sets us apart from our competitors.

Ethics and Compliance Documentation

Within Colas Rail, we promote compliance by communicating and raising awareness of ethics and compliance rules, carrying out ethics training, and by implementing effective ethics and compliance processes to ensure that procedures are followed correctly. We carefully monitor compliance, including through analysing alerts and reports.

Colas Rail’s ethics rules are contained in the Code of Ethics, Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct and compliance programmes:

Whistleblowing Platform

We are committed to maintaining an exemplary culture of ethics and compliance, which includes protecting whistleblowers. Employees and stakeholders can report any unethical or illegal behaviour via our Whistleblowing Platform.

The Platform is available in 18 languages, and is designed to ensure confidentiality in relation both to the identity of the whistleblower, and of the information provided.

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

We are dedicated to operating in an environment that is free from slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, and human trafficking. Our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement sets out the steps we have taken to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking within Colas Rail, or our supply chains.

At Colas Rail, we are proud to act as an example. We do not hesitate to assert our values of ethics and transparency on a daily basis with our customers, our service providers and our employees.